One central theme in onboarding is the emphasis on learning that is the ability of the new employee to learn and imbibe positive culture and at the same time provide the platform for the employee to bringing out the best in him for the overall good of the organization. It has been said that induction might not lead to integration for learning and unlearning is not achieved, hence, the instructional method must be articulated and delivered in such a way that it would promote learning.
• Classroom teaching
This is the most common means of instruction, it involves having a specific location and allocated time during which an instructor or a teacher takes the new employee through a predetermined and planned topic. This method promotes better interaction and enables the employee to ask questions and receive on the spot answers.
• Self-Directed Learning
Self-Directed Learning
This method of onboarding and instructional design allows for high-level flexibility and support a system whereby the employee can learn at his own pace. The learning details using this method are mostly in an audio-visual format such as in CD or other methods of recording that could easily be played and listen to. This method is good for a very busy workplace and where the newly employed is expected to be fully involved in workplace activities almost immediately.
• Online Training
With the use of modern technology, learning can be delivered from distance location using an offshore platform. This is an internet enabled an instructional system that gives the employee to be inducted and taught via the internet and other office networking system. It is very convenient and flexible to run.
• Blended Training
Blended Learning
The blended learning of instructional design is a combination of both the traditional and conventional learning method in which the new employee is instructed using the classroom method as well as a combination of self-learning and the internet enable style.
Mentoring as an onboarding/employee integration method has been well attested to as having good success records by employers and organization development experts. This system placed the greater emphasis on using well experienced senior personnel with the organization as mentors for the mentees (new employees).
In the words of Michael Armstrong, Mentoring is the process of using specially selected and trained individuals to provide guidance, pragmatic advice and continuing support that will help the person or persons allocated to them to learn and develop.
He further stressed the benefits of mentoring when he went on to states Mentors prepare individuals to perform better in the future and groom them for higher and greater things, i.e. career development.
The mentor by reason of experience and deep knowledge of their organization would dedicate time and resources to tutoring the new employee until such a time that they are fully settle-in and reasonably integrated. Interestingly, too, is the fact that the mentee sees the mentor as a father-figure to whom they could run to when faced with challenges with their job function.
As beautiful as mentoring as a system of onboarding appears it is important to be circumspect in the selection of a mentor and in selecting an appropriate guideline that defines dos and don’t and the boundary between the mentor and mentee.
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