The driver for organization effectiveness is contained in actions aimed at positively-directing and guided motivation of the employees towards the organization’s interests and objectives. It has been proven that appropriate rewards, recognition, promotion, and incentives are factors that are proportional to employee’s performance and organizational success.

Many researched work by HR professionals, organizations theorists and academic experts have proved that with the right work environment, effective reward system, job satisfaction and the application of incentive that considered individual’s needs organization will most likely have employees who are assets rather than liability to help navigate it to competitive advantage and higher performance level.

However, a plateaud employee is most likely a dissatisfy employee with a weakened motivation, deflated moral and full of aspiration deficiency. Without mincing words, such an employee cannot and will most likely not be inclined to efficient and effective job performance since he or she lacks motivation for higher level performance.

Another effect of career plateau on employee’s motivation and performance is the aversion in accepting internal change and innovation as demanded by the changing needs of the market, clients or customers’ requirements. Often time employees who are stalled at a particular level will do anything to protect their positions by opposing internal effort at reorganization since they know that will not benefit them personally.

People defer in terms of what motivates or de-motivates them hence the recommendation that no two employees should be seen as the same. In his two- factor theory of motivation Herzberg F. (1964) posited that employees are motivated by two different factors which he classified as Motivators and Hygiene. Of interest are the motivators that consist of the following:

1. Responsibility
2. Achievement
3. Recognition
4. Advancement and growth on the job
5. The work and its content

A cursory look at these factors shows that an employee who is motivated by achievement, advancement, and growth but who got stuck due to internal structural or job content issues would likely not be committed to efficient work performance.

I wish to state here that a de-motivated employee is a liability rather than an asset to the organization; it is the responsibility of the organization, therefore to ensure that the basis for employee’s motivation is constantly being expanded and ensure their continued drive to achieve better and greater productivity.


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